Sunday, October 24, 2010

My 28th Birthday

So Yesterday I celebrated my 28th Birthday (really, Really?!) I don't feel any older than 20. Except when I look in the mirror in horror as each new day brings a new grey hair or so it seems. I had quite a busy day. I was out the door by 8:30am to go to a stake Beehive conference in Calgary with 5 12 year old girls. We went for breakfast at McDonalds (that was the girls idea to celebrate my birthday) before heading into the city. The conference was lovely with some fun activities for the girls. I got home at about 2 o'clock and to my delight when i walked in the door everyone yelled SURPRISE!!!!! Rhonda, Isiah, Birkley and my boys had cleaned and decorated the house in streamers and balloons. It was quite the party with confetty poppers and all. My boys had each picked something special to give to me. Griffin gave me a pair of sunglasses, Aidan gave me a necklace with matching earrings, and Mason gave me a pink princess brush (all from the dollar store). The gifts were very thoughtful and the best part was seeing their faces when I opened them. They were so happy to have picked the gifts all by themselves.
Here are just a few of the pictures of the boys getting the house all cleaned for me before I arrived home.

Rhonda had bought me some delicious cupcakes and added the sparklers for a special touch.
Balloons and streamers filled the house. I was very surprised.

That evening we headed into the city for a birthday dinner. We ate at Joey Tomatoes. I think that was the first time I had been there and it was fabulous. Great food too. So that was my special day and I enjoyed every minute of it. I still can't believe I'm 28. It sounds crazy just to say it but hopefully I will continue feeling much younger than I really am. Oh I guess I should add what Mike got me. He got me cleaning service for a year, which I am so excited about. I'm good at keeping my house tidy but when it comes to mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms I just dread it. I would rather be spending time with my kids. This will be so nice not to have to worry about the cleaning. I'st just one less thing that I have to do. I'm so grateful for an awesome husband like Mike he is so good to me and I love him so much.

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