Wednesday, April 14, 2010

spring storm

On April 14th we woke up to this crazy spring storm. When we woke up in the morning it was really blizzardy out. The wind was blowing like crazy and the snow had drifted over our driveway. I thought for sure the school would be closed and after a phone call from Griff's bus driver saying there were no buses running we decided to keep Griffin home. Mike started to shovel the driveway and it didn't take long before neighbors were getting stuck in the deep snow and he was right there to help. About an hour later by 9am it had stopped snowing and the wind had died down. We decided that Griff should go to school after all. So after getting him ready, with a few tears I might add, Mike drove him to school. Later that morning the snow had already started to melt and the forcast called for plus 10. I guess this is what we are used to living in southern Alberta.

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