Thursday, May 27, 2010

May long weekend

Our May long weekend started with a trip down to Magrath. Mike had to install a center seat into his truck so that we could all travel legally. Sydnee enjoyed her first time in the hot tub on Thursday night and the rest of us enjoyed a steak dinner. Our Friday started off with a visit to Grandma and John's. We visited for awhile and enjoyed lunch with them. Then we were off to Kate's farm which was much anticipated by the boys. There the boys were able to ride in a tractor and help Kate drive the bale truck. We went into the field to feed the cows and see all the new baby calves. We even helped give a sick calf some medicine and watched Kate's Dad haul a dead cow out of the field with the tractor. Not a pretty sight but the boys weren't to disturbed by it all. The highlight of the farm trip was when Kate's Dad gave the boys each a farmer hat. They were so excited and really thought they were farmers. That night the boys stayed home with a babysitter while the adults went to a movie. Sydnee's first movie experience and she did really well. Then out for dessert afterward. Our Saturday started early. We were on the road by 8:45am, headed back to Strathmore. After a quick stop at home to grab a few extra things we were finally on our way to Edmonton. The kids and I slept most of the way there so it seemed to go by fast. When we arrived in Edmonton the boys were so excited to see the West Ed Mall. But first we had to check into our hotel and get settled in there. Then we headed over to the mall to check everything out. Our first stop, show the boys the water park but had to remind them that we weren't going there until tomorrow. Then we went over to Galaxy land where we met Rhonda and Isiah. All the boys enjoyed some of the rides and had a great time. After the rides we all went for supper at the old Spaghetti factory. By this time it was about 9 o'clock so we headed back to the hotel to go to bed. On Sunday we started with a great breakfast at the cafe Europa then headed to the water park. We were there when it opened at 10am so we got some good seats and headed into the water. The boys were so excited to try all the water slides and were brave enough to even go on the steep and scary ones. Rhonda and Isiah came at about 12:30 so we enjoyed the rest of the day swimming with them. I think everyone had a good time even Sydnee enjoyed swimming for the first time. After leaving the water park at about 4 o'clock Rhonda and Isiah headed back to Red Deer. We walked around the mall for a little while longer and ate at the food court before heading back to the hotel for an early bed time. On Monday morning we woke up, got all packed up then went back to cafe Europa for breakfast. After breakfast we had a blast mini golfing with the kids for the first time and to top it off Griffin and Aidan each got a hole in one. After mini golfing we watched the sealion show which was super fun and the boys were amazed and a little scared at seeing them up close. Then we went down into the sea life cavern to pet sting rays and see the sharks and the penguins. Now it was time to head home. The weekend had past so quickly it seemed. On our way home we stopped at Rhonda's so Dennis could meet Sydnee and we had supper with them. I was glad to get home but it had definitely been a great weekend.and it wasn't even to crazy with 4 kids. I would call our first holiday as a family of 6 a success!!!


  1. Oh Tona that sounds so dang fun!!

  2. looks like west ed was so much fun! sydnee is soo cute in her swimming suit!
