Monday, September 20, 2010

Visiting Magrath

While staying in Magrath for 2 weeks we had a lot of fun. Kyle and Kate were nice enough to let us park our trailer at their house. It was nice for me because Kate helped me a lot with the kids while Mike was back at work. On the first weekend Mike was able to come down so one afternoon we enjoyed a trip to Waterton. We stopped for a hot dog then spent some time at the water. It was quite windy but we had fun anyway.

Another past time was Kate teaching the boys a few notes on the piano. On several occasions I would hear some clucking on the keys and find one of the boys practicing what Kate had taught them. I thought that was really cute and I hope that Kate has installed some music appreciation into them.

Sydnee enjoyed her nightly bath at Kate's using Levi's bath seat. She thought it was great fun.
Usually every night we would put both babies into their swings to get them to sleep. It was cute to see them both enjoying their night time ritual.
We had to visit the skate park several times while in Magrath. Grandma Kimberley gave Aidan and Griffin each a skateboard for their birthdays so they had to show off their skills.

This is what Sydnee would be doing while at the skate park.
One Monday night for family home evening, Kate let the boys paint on some canvases that she had. They thought this was so cool. They were each very creative and were so excited to show their Dad what they had done. They were even more excited when they were told they could take the paintings home.

This was just a few of the fun things we did while in Magrath. I think the boys' favorite part was just playing with their cousins. We all had a great time.

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